Getting married in the morning what a better way to start the day right and begin the marriage by making it right with the Lord ☺
An exciting day this was! My team and I came in the hotel and Tia, the bride, was up and ready in the morning! doing her mom’s make up and hers. While the groom was in his families rest house in Tagaytay, preparing and probably having a drink to calm his nerves haha They had two ceremonies, a Catholic ceremony in Chapel on the hill, and a Christian wedding in Splendido Golf Course :)
Pao and Tia met in a soiree back in high school ☺ Little did we know prior to the soiree Pao, saw Tia from a far and then he knew he had to get to her. So during the soiree, Pao, was scheming a plan, to cheat his way to win the games and partner with Tia ☺ Together for 9 years now, with no break ups, no cool-offs, no nothing, just continually holding on to each other thru the good and bad, the worst and the best! I salute this two, you see soiree love affairs normally don’t last ☺ but then I guess, they are the exception, the two who will prove the norm wrong ☺
I personally got teary-eyed during the vows, especially when Pao said that every time it became hard, and it was difficult he always reminded himself of the 1st day he saw her, the 1st love letter he wrote to her ☺ ahhhhhh remembering their vows still get to me haha
I love this couple! They are simply in love ☺ I hope my team and I did justice to their ‘best day ever’ ☺ Oh and details of this wedding is probably 90% Tia’s work! Yes she did them all, from the invites, to the bouts, to the PAO & TIA sign, and a very clever idea for friends to hold up signs where they first met and more more more! Now that’s extra love from the bride ☺ So if you’re interested with this kind of DIY, please contact my lovely bride and she will gladly help you out! Go Tia!
Haha Enjoy the photos everyone!

Videographer: Ghe Consolacion | Groom's suit: M Barretto | Bride’s gown and entourage dresses, mom's dresses, ring beearer's suit and flower girls' dresses: Patricia Santos | Bride and Entourage's Robe: Kristia Roco | Lights and Sounds: Artuz 101 | Photobooth and Instagram Printer: Baicapture | Bands: Madz and Dzhei | OTD Coordinator : Imbitado Events | Florist: Sonya Francisco
DIY by the bride : Utensil holders | Program fans | PAOTIA made of pictures reception sign | Table numbers | Place cards | Escort cards | Buntings | Boutonnieres | Instagram hashtag signs | Mad Libs (Notes for a Happy Marriage) | Table runners | Directional Signs | Activity Signs | Paolo and Kristia signs for the trivia game | Ribbon wands | Here comes your girl, Tita Pao | Activities during the registration proper | Handkerchiefs of moms given by the bride